My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

onsdag 27. februar 2013

Spring is soon here! And with it comes...

... the weddings! Having a week of Holiday a little up north in the country with my grandparents, where the sun shines a little more -it makes me long for spring! The wedding season is just around the corner, and when I came across this, though it's a little old, I wanted to share it with you; sometimes white is just nice no matter what! ;)

The Farmers' Daughter

Posted in Vogue Nippon - March 2010

Model; Anja Rubik
Photo by; Camilla Akrans
Styled by; Sissy Vian
Hair; Nicolas Jumjack
Make-up; Wendy Rowe

tirsdag 26. februar 2013

Numéro #141 "Terminal"

Produced by; Ernesto Qualizza
Photo; Greg Kadel
Styling; Patti Wilson
Hair; Nicolas Jumjack
Makeup; Kabuki

I've always liked things that are a little odd -so therefore I just had to post this! It's nice to sit on your vacation and just breathe in a little inspiration! 

Enjoy! :)

mandag 25. februar 2013

Ding-dong, woop-woop! Swooosh! Monday and yet another week(end) over!

Things has been moving so fast lately I haven't been able to update you guys in a while -so sorry! :) Thank you so much for longing after it! I finally have some time "off" so I went to Utvik in Nordfjord where my grandparents lives, to take a time out and just breathe and exist. Heres a look with the view and updates about what has been going on lately;

A lot of things is going on and different projects that I have been working on -unfortunately I can't either tell you about it or show you results of these shoots until later on, so until then you'll have to deal with just "behind the scenes..." ;)

This I can tell you about; guess what's up; our new Collection of Adam og Eva. This year we actually reach our 40th anniversary, so it's exciting to see where we're going ahead in the future! At the prep I was called in as an assistant, which was quite kind of going down old memory lane...  

Eirik was cutting...

Oh yes; bleach, bleach and more bleach; both me and Tonje had our task to do! ;)

The great trio Birger, Eirik and Ann-Christin in lead for the whole project -an honour to assist:)

So happy and eager to see what things will turn out to be -that's a funny thing about working creatively... 
Discussing the result -are we, or aren't we...?
As alway with a day of prep; there's always so much towels to both wash and fold -being the assistant for the day -guess who had to do it?! ;)
Wrapping up! Finally;)

This week that passed I spent a lot of time in the salon, and I was so happy about a lot of the things I got to do there, so I just had to show you one of my top, favourite clients -hope you like! Here's Kristin for you;

After testing and trying different things in her haircut, we've gotten to this bobbylicious kind of approach to her hair. Lately we've been paying a lot of attention to her fringe or "bangs" as they say in NYC -I'm excited to see where we're going with this! ;) 

Do you see all of her electrified hairs standing out?! That's what wearing a woolen dress does to your hair in the wintertime! ;D

onsdag 13. februar 2013

A day off, and then...

Sunday shoot! Though it's kind of a day off, it's a really nice day to have a shoot on! There's no rush to anything, just a lovely mood! Studio of the day was as you can see, actually home @ the photographer's place; Ida.

As you can see, she's obsessed with flowers! 

She and her boyfriend has a lovely appartment! I can't wait to get to a place of my own! 

A good run into the shoot, and we had some problem with the camera, good luck to that your partner also by accident work as a photographer! ;P

It's such a shame that I can't show you the finished result due to later on's eventually publish, but it strikes me how different things seems from standing on the side of the camera to what will become the result! ;) Haha! :)) 


The 6th...

...week of the year, OFW! it was! Ofcourse; I got sick, or just totally exhausted -I don't know. Just beated out, so the two first days I spent @ home doing office stuff, and studying...

As the week went, I got a little better, and so I had to prepare for the hair that we were doing...

Me and my "this-weeks-best-friend" had fun! ;) And then...

...the day came! 
I couldn't have done this without my assistants!
Things finally got into what we worked for, the showstart closed in...

And the show were on...

AND we were done! :) Yay!

Kristine was happy and the congratulations started to come in! Thanx for the trust sweetie! Allways lovely to work with you! :)

Thanx to Jon Lundemoen for some of the pictures!