My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

onsdag 27. februar 2013

Spring is soon here! And with it comes...

... the weddings! Having a week of Holiday a little up north in the country with my grandparents, where the sun shines a little more -it makes me long for spring! The wedding season is just around the corner, and when I came across this, though it's a little old, I wanted to share it with you; sometimes white is just nice no matter what! ;)

The Farmers' Daughter

Posted in Vogue Nippon - March 2010

Model; Anja Rubik
Photo by; Camilla Akrans
Styled by; Sissy Vian
Hair; Nicolas Jumjack
Make-up; Wendy Rowe

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