My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

onsdag 13. februar 2013

The 6th...

...week of the year, OFW! it was! Ofcourse; I got sick, or just totally exhausted -I don't know. Just beated out, so the two first days I spent @ home doing office stuff, and studying...

As the week went, I got a little better, and so I had to prepare for the hair that we were doing...

Me and my "this-weeks-best-friend" had fun! ;) And then...

...the day came! 
I couldn't have done this without my assistants!
Things finally got into what we worked for, the showstart closed in...

And the show were on...

AND we were done! :) Yay!

Kristine was happy and the congratulations started to come in! Thanx for the trust sweetie! Allways lovely to work with you! :)

Thanx to Jon Lundemoen for some of the pictures!

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