Being a busy bee, I aways try to get spa-things done on sundays, such as giving my hair a deep treatment! I always recommend this day to my clients when getting things deeply done; it's when the most of us (not always though) have the time to spoil ourselves -at least for 15 minutes or so...

First of all; I start with a deep cleanse; this is especially made for guys, but it's a really cool and nicely smelling deep cleansing shampoo! Even for my (excessively long!) hair, I really feel that this is deep cleanse without a damaging strip! It smells nice too! Shampoo, rinse, repeat and towel dry... |

OHH! OKAY THEN! As I can't wait to tell you about this, I'm just gonna burst this out! Working as a Redken Artist I get shipped pre try outs for testing -and it's great to be able to get a sneak peak on what's next, so I will be able to give you the best of advice when giving you recommendations on all of this! So I'll dip into this draw of a candy store, and choose something to continue with my deep-conditioning sunday service... |
Then I'll go for my Curvacious deep conditioning Curl Dive; massage it in, comb gently through for even distribution and do whatever you feel like for 5-15 minutes or longer if you'ld like... |
When feeling done with the deep soak, I'll rinse it, and apply the Curvacious Conditioner -you can choose to rinse or use it as a leave in -feel free to judge for yourselves on what your hair need! Then you can choose your way of setting your hair; |
Curvacious Ringlet; it's like the old Ringlet but with a lot more goodies; nutrients and styling ingredients -feather light and with a great smell! |
Curvacious Wave Ahead; feel like having a boost? This gives you a lot more Ooompf! and a little goes a long way! Being really concentrated, this bottle will make you look amazing for a looooong time! Great for students and people who need to be economic! I love the smell of it! |
This is soooo fun; Curvacious Full Swirl; gives you bounce and natural definition! This also look great on your shelf! Let's not forget the importance of that! ;) |
Curvacious Wind Up; a great lightweight moisture replenishing spray! You can use this as a leave in, add extra moisture to your lengths and even as a curl refresher! Great for this seasons inhouse dry-air-dry-hair issues!
Yes; I musn't forget the Curvacious Cream Shampoo; it's a low lathering kind cleansing shampoo, with mild sulphates so it won't distress your curl or wave in there. It is really something to get used to, the low lathering, but you'll really feel that it is nice and clean!
Any questions? Feel free to ask for advice! I'ld be happy to answer you! :)
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