My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

tirsdag 16. oktober 2012

After 9 years in this business...

... tonight was going to be my first time as a model as well as assisting our new and talented, educated hairstylist Matilda. She was doing her pictures as her contribution to the national Hairdresser of The Year, which the date is almost due to get delivered.

This young gal has been working with us in the salon for almost 4 years now, and she is both sharp and talented in every way!

Even though my schedule nowadays are hard and tightly packed -I couldn't say no to her, cause I know how important it is to get these type of "projects" done -and we had a lot of fun anyWAY! :D

There were also some type of nudity, ofcourse, and Harlem got to flex a little...! I don't mind! ;)

Yes, a LOT of fun! 

She's so lovely when she works...

It's a wrap! ;D

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