My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

torsdag 20. mars 2014

One of my biggest dreams...

…is to establish myself a career as an international Redken Platform Creative Artist; that's why I almost "died" when I got this e-mail confirming I'm granted a participating space under their mentorship program; I had my mom over for a visit this weekend, so when I got a txt from my boss in Redken, Astrid, telling me to check my email that would tell me this -my mom asked me if everything was allright; stating the obviously fact that my face whas palely white; 

What I love about Redken is that they want us to grow, explore, evolve -the best way of developing your creative and technical skills! This program is a further step towards higher my standards as a fascilitator, and with it comes a lot of possibilities! Due to a selection of artists around the globe, I feel so humbly honored to be chosen and given this chance, so I'm just going numb and silent… 

I've couldn't have done this without being in the company that I'm in; -Adam og Eva- that contributes to this, and helps me by giving me both the support and time to do this! I both love and are grateful for my extended family -Adam og Eva-. 

A couple of years back I barely dared to hope I would live my dream some day; but I can truly state the fact now, that I truly am!

I'm really lucky… thank you! <3

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