My favorite...

A "favorite" can be so much different to people; to me it's hair in fashion!
My favorite work, passion and -fabric-
Here's my way of approaching it...

søndag 7. oktober 2012

These last days...

... has been kinda' crazy; early up; hepp-hepp! And GO! I've been on the shoot for the new lookbook for TSH -my first close collaboration with Tina, which was great! I really admire her for her energy! We're really on quite the same train -funny...

 She really has some great stuff, you should check it out! ;)

 I really love how creativity makes chaos around you after a day of constantly shooting...
 And this photographer is just lovely! You will definately see more from her in the future! ;) Camilla, you're fab!

Thank you so much for two great days!

Then there where also a shoot this friday where I collaborated and assisted a great colleague of mine, Ann-Christin, who I really look up to and admire! Every time we work together, it's really a privilege, and we always discover new ways of doing things! Thank you so much for the trust! YOU'RE GREAT! :-*

 Always concentrated...

We were really excited!


The styling was grrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaat! :D

See you guys! ;)          New week, new possibilities...

1 kommentar:

  1. FAB SIDE LARS :) Har gått gjennom hele bloggen, og det er gøy å se hva du driver med. Ååå, så hyggelig at jeg er nevnt i dette innlegget! Håper vi ses igjen snart. - Camilla


Please feel free to drop me a line! :)